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Selectmen Minutes 02/24/2015

Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Members Present:  Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Maureen Hingham, Jack Boender, Joe Austin, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Ann Davis, Philip Hitchcock, Gil Vein, Paul Vein, Allan Mayville, Tom Houle

Call to Order:  Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm


Chichester Condominiums – Maureen Hingham, Jack Boender, Joe Austin

Jack Boender stated that I believe the Board knows what had occurred with Joe’s mortgage broker. He was financed through RFM. This property has proceeded through Bankruptcy court and that case is now closed.   At one point all but 5 lots had been sold to a title company. We now have complete control of all of the lots and can complete the condominium documents. When the condo documents are completed and approved by the Attorney General’s Office it will then allow the lots to be conveyed to the mortgage holders. Once this occurs the lots will have separate titles and Mr. Austin will have a title in his and his wife’s name. He will then get a reverse mortgage to pay off the back taxes.

Jack Boender stated the condo docs are in the lawyer’s hands and they will be working on getting those finished. We have received them from the attorney who originally worked on them and our attorney is reviewing them. Once they have been reviewed they will then be forwarded to the Attorney General’s Office.

Mr. DeBold stated that is seems like your plan is starting to work itself out but how long will it be before you can start paying the back taxes?

Ms. Boender stated that we are hopeful in the next few months the condo documents will be approved by the Attorney General. At that point we will give Mr. Austin title to his house lot in which he will apply for a reverse mortgage and pay the back taxes on the property.

Mr. Austin stated this is not just my money it is other people’s money. They are here tonight to verify that this is the plan moving forward. This is the first time that we have a plan in place that we will be able to move forward with.

Mrs. Pike stated that she will be presenting a tax deed for this property on March 17, 2015. At that point the Board will make the decision whether or not to accept the tax deed.

Mr. Boender stated that there was a court injunction that prohibited Mr. Austin and I from speaking. Once some outstanding issues were taken care of we were then able to speak. This is another reason that this has taken as long as it has.

Mr. DeBold stated to Mrs. Pike that you will be coming before us in two weeks requesting tax deeding for back taxes and Mr. Boender you are here to request more time since all of the parts are now beginning to fall into place. I wanted all of you to know we will not be making a decision this evening but things do seem clearer. We appreciate you coming in and explaining to us what is happening.

Mr. Jordan stated that I do think that we need some time frame at this point. I would like to get some type of time frame from you so that we know when things are happening.

Consensus of the Board was to get a time frame from Attorney Hingham prior the meeting on the 17th.

General Business/Board Discussion:

Grange Hall Heating

Mrs. Pinard reviewed the bid with the Board for the heating upgrade to the Grange Hall. The bid that has been received is from LeBlanc Heating Company in the amount of $2,185. I am asking for the Board to waive the purchasing policy utilizing Section 5 subsection (d).

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to waive the purchasing policy utilizing Section #5 and subsection (d) and award the Grange Hall heating upgrade to LeBlanc Heating Company to be paid from the Town Facilities Fund. Motion Passes.

Saturday Town Meeting Meal
Mrs. Pinard stated that as of this evening there was no community group that was interested in providing lunch as a fundraising event.

Paul Vein asked that we contact the Knights of Columbus next year in January if we have this issue again.

Consensus of the Board was to have the Selectmen’s office reach out to any other groups they could think of.

Public Input:
Tom Houle stated that Barnstead welcomed the Egg Farm applicant that had originally come to Chichester.

Ann Davis stated the Agriculture Committee and Garden Club are having a joint meeting tomorrow night and the Old Home Day is having a meeting on Thursday night.


Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Approved 3/3/15
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold                                           D. Michael Paveglio                                                  Jeffrey Jordan